
Psychology Hacks

Personal Development FAQs Psychology Hacks

How to be More Likeable at Work for Greater Success

February 18, 2023
How to be More Likeable at Work

There are lots of benefits to being likeable. These include better relationships, more social support and increased chances of success. However, my goal in writing about this topic is not to encourage you to put on a show or be false. In fact, people tend to respect others more when they’re genuine. There are many ways to approach the topic of how to be more likeable at work.…

Exercises Goal Setting Personal Development FAQs Psychology Hacks

Strategies to Achieve Goals That You Care About: Two Great Exercises

July 2, 2022
woman in blue suit jacket

One of the main things that motivates our behaviors is our desire to grow, develop and reach our potential. This is why we set goals and strive to attain them. In this short post, I present two psychological strategies that can support you in reaching your goals. Practicing visualization and using positive affirmations are two effective strategies to achieve goals that are important to you. Visualization – Strategies…

Productivity Psychology Hacks

3 Psychological Hacks for Strategic Time Management and Better Productivity

June 25, 2022
Strategic Time Management

One thing we all have in common is we get 24 hours a day. However, people differ in how they allocate their time. To reach our human potential and excel at goal achievement we must use our time well. The goal of this post is to give you some tips for strategic time management. I use the word strategic because it refers to following a carefully developed plan…

Career Psychology Hacks

How to Improve Work Performance Using the Pygmalion Effect

January 14, 2022
multiracial businesswomen with laptop talking about work

Our brain is an amazingly complex organ that among other things helps us to reason, remember and feel emotion. Because of the way our brain ticks, we often experience and do things that at first glance are not very explicable. For example, why do most people overestimate their knowledge and abilities? Psychological phenomenon ultimately explain why people tend to think, feel, and behave the way they do. If…

Psychology Hacks

How to Leave a Good First Impression That Sticks

August 28, 2021
man wearing blue blazer and white dress shirt leaning on white wall

In this article I show you how to leave a good first impression through the lense of a psychological phenomenon known as the primacy and recency effect. When you meet someone for the first time, you process all kinds of information and to try and figure out what kind of person they are. The way people speak, their posture, whether they smile or not – these kinds of…