

Communication Exercises

Improved Communication Skills in the Workplace: What you Need to Know

September 2, 2022
photo of three people smiling while having a meeting

Great communication skills are crucial to help you land jobs, build relationships, and advance in your career. Being a good communicator means you can clearly express your thoughts and emotions as well as effectively relay information. In other words, your listeners know in what way they should interpret your message. Furthermore, you’re able to understand the needs and concerns of others. Communication is an umbrella term that encompasses…

Exercises Goal Setting Personal Development FAQs Psychology Hacks

Strategies to Achieve Goals That You Care About: Two Great Exercises

July 2, 2022
woman in blue suit jacket

One of the main things that motivates our behaviors is our desire to grow, develop and reach our potential. This is why we set goals and strive to attain them. In this short post, I present two psychological strategies that can support you in reaching your goals. Practicing visualization and using positive affirmations are two effective strategies to achieve goals that are important to you. Visualization – Strategies…

Career Exercises Resilience

Living Your Values at Work for a Better Work Experience

March 31, 2022
photo of woman wearing eyeglasses

Personal values respresent the overarching goals that we consider most desirable. They influence our thoughts and actions, even when we’re not aware of it. Values also reflect preferences about what we consider worthy and important. Furthermore, a person’s values tend to be consistent across time and contexts. This differs from beliefs and attitudes which can change more readily. By living our values in the work environment we’re more…

Exercises Resilience

Want Incredible Resilience? Tap Your Strengths in the Workplace

March 6, 2022
crop man holding hand of asian friend with tense face

Have you ever considered that you probably have strengths you’re not even aware of? With this post I help you explore your strengths in the workplace and show you how to use them to become even more resilient. The exercise used in this article is based on Padesky and Mooney’s four-step strengths-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) model. The first step is to identify strengths that you already have.…

Exercises Resilience

Taking Care of Yourself for More Resilience and Better Performance (PsyCap 17)

January 29, 2022
rear view of man sitting on rock by sea

What comes to mind when you think about resilience? The most common thoughts probably include things like bouncing back, dealing with adversity and being stress resistant. In this article I would like to present a characteristic of resilience that is not talked about so much. It helps to explain why resilient people can effectively navigate adversity. The secret lies in taking care of yourself by exercising self-compassion and…

Career Exercises

Excellent Tips to Craft A Perfect Personal Development Plan

December 27, 2021
shallow focus photo of people discussing

Do you sometimes wish you were in a different spot regarding your professional development or even other areas of your life? I believe everyone can relate to this. But not everyone, does something about it. In this article I’ll introduce you to an exercise that will help you to do something about it! I’m talking about making your own personal development plan. Companies use this tool to stimulate…

Career Exercises

What to do in a Performance Review for Incredible Motivation

December 4, 2021
business people collaborating in a meeting

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “performance review”? Is it something you look forward to or do you think they’re a waste of time? Performance reviews can be a tremendous catalyst for personal and organizational development, however, their effectiveness depends on the way they’re implemented. In this article, I talk about ways to ensure you get the most out of such…

Exercises Resilience

Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Kill Your Progress (PsyCap 16)

September 11, 2021
photo of woman wearing eyeglasses

One characteristic of resilient people is their high level of self-awareness. In other words, they know themselves quite well. Of course, it is not possible to see yourself in a completely unbiased way. However, resilient individuals have a relatively accurate perception of their strengths and weaknesses. They know what motivates them and what their core beliefs are. Furthermore, resilent people know how to overcome limiting beliefs. Self-awareness, enables…

Exercises Resilience

Coping Strategies to Reduce Stress and Have More Energy (PsyCap 15)

July 11, 2021
Coping Strategies to Reduce Stress

How do you tend to cope with stressful situations? We all have our default way of dealing with things. I tend to ruminate which, I know, is not healthy. Maybe you tend to address problems directly and try to change the situation. Others just accept the way things are and avoid any kind of confrontation. These various ways of dealing with stressful situations are called coping strategies. The…