Personal Development FAQs Productivity

23 Tips for More Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace

July 14, 2022
woman in gray coat using white laptop computer

In this article we talk about how to increase your efficiency and productivity in the workplace. To make sure we’re on the same page, it’s important to briefly consider the difference between effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.

Doing things effectively means that you can successfully produce an intended result.

Carrying out things efficiently goes a step further. Being efficient means you produce the best result with minimum wasted effort or expense.

By being effective (doing the right things) and efficient (doing things in the best way) you’ll be truly productive.

What is Productivity?

Productivity can be quantified as the amount of output for one unit of input. Therefore, an increase in productivity means the same input now yields more output. In the work context increasing productivity translates to:

  • accomplishing more
  • getting things done more quickly

However, as human beings we can’t always operate at maximum efficiency. Therefore, it’s helpful to define productivity in a more meaningful way. Productivity does not necessarily mean getting the most done in the least time. Productivity means getting the most important things done consistently. In other words you spend most of your time doing the things that bring you the greatest results.

Example of Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace

Here is an example that shows how effectiveness, efficiency and productivity relate to eachother. Let’s say you have to attend a meeting, answer emails and design a new product feature. If you get everything done, you can claim to be effective. However, it’s possible to arrange these tasks in a way that enables you to get everything done more quickly (efficiency).

For example, you decide to work on designing a new product feature first thing in the morning because that’s when you have the most energy and mental clarity. By doing this you’ll produce a better design than if you do it at the end of the day when you’re mentally drained.

You answer emails only twice a day, so that you don’t lose time and energy switching between tasks.

Furthermore, you decide to shorten the meeting and make it more efficient. This includes spending most of the meeting on crucial topics and limting the number of topics covered (less is more). You also make the goals of the meeting clear to help ensure everyone stays on topic.

By arranging your tasks in this way, you’ll get the best results while wasting the least amount of time and energy (productivity).

Increasing Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace

Increasing Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace
Photo by Pixabay on

There are many things you can do to enhance your productivity. Because each person’s situation and psychological make up varies, there is no one size fits all strategy. What works for one person may be less effective for another.

With that said, increasing your efficiency and work productivity is definitely a topic worth considering. Try out different strategies to see what works best for you. If something does not work well right away it does not mean that the strategy is bad. It usually takes 2 or 3 months to form a habit, so consistency is key.

I covered the following 23 productivity tips in a series of four posts. The articles are linked below, so feel free to have a look for more in depth information on each point:

  1. Make a Schedule
  2. Take Breaks
  3. Minimize Distractions
  4. Take Advantage of Multitasking
  5. Procrastinate Purposefully
  6. Just Start
  7. Schedule High Concentration Tasks During Peak Energy Times
  8. Take Advantage of Repetitive Tasks
  9. Reduce Complexity
  10. Get Enough Sleep
  11. Eat Healthily
  12. Exercise Regularly
  13. Stay Hydrated
  14. Maintain Good Relationships and Avoid Gossip
  15. Learn to Say No
  16. Write Shorter Emails
  17. Make Your Environment Work for You
  18. Enhance Your Communication Skills
  19. Minimize Energy Spent on Decision Making
  20. Make Boring Tasks More Meaningful
  21. Pair Boring Tasks with Tasks that Demand More Attention
  22. Stretch
  23. Manage Your Energy

Get to Work

Choose one or two strategies from the list above and implement them in your daily routine. By getting your tasks done more efficiently, you’ll have more time for the other things you care about.

If you need help increasing your productivity at work, I can support you with online performance coaching. Feel free to reach out to me here.

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